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Auto provision via DHCP option66 troubleshooting
When the phone fails to auto-provision via DHCP option 66, please follow the steps below to do the troubleshooting.
Ⅰ Check IP address
Please check whether the computer and phone have obtained an IP address from the IP address pool after the DHCP server is set up.
Ⅱ Check URL
Please check the IP phone's provision URL.
1. If the URL has changed to the URL configured by option 66, please check whether the device has sent a request to the server.
2. If the URL has not change, please check the configuration of option 66 and network.
Ⅲ Check request
1. If the device does not send a request, please check whether provision is Enabled on the phone.
2. If the device sends a request but does not download the configuration file
2.1 Please check whether the server is reachable(IP phone ping the server address).
2.2 Please check wether there is a configuration file on the server and whether the file name is a mac address in lowercase.
2.3 Please capture packets on the IP phone, router, and server to check the provisioning request flow.