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Large Pharmaceutical Company - Qilu Pharmaceutical Co., Ltd.


Established in 1958, Qilu Pharmaceutical Co., Ltd. is one of the leading integrated pharmaceutical companies in China. With over 10 subsidiaries and 7000 employees throughout China, the Qilu found that staff mobility was severely capped as the old IP phone system is inconvenient installation and high-cost maintenance. An update IP phone system which is a safe, easy-to-use and low-cost management was necessary to optimize the staff’s performance and Flyingvoice helped Qilu find an ideal solution.


In comparison to IP phones whose maintenance is inconvenient, have high deployment costs, the new IP phone system has to meet requirements as follows, achieving cost-effective deployment and easy management.

1. Supporting batch import contacts, boot logo can be changed to Qilu’s, customized background, call from top manager’s office to front desk with one click, even HD voice call via wired or wireless connection wherever to call.

2. Compatible with the existing Huawei PBX server-H3C, and Huawei wireless AP equipment without changing the original network architecture.


Qilu found exactly what they were looking for in Flyingvoice's FIP1X series IP phones. The FIP1X series offers a full portfolio of entry-level and advanced IP phones that can be suited to various needs. Therefore, the FIP11C and FIP13G will be applied for various departments depending on call frequency, ensuing cost-effective deployment and rich functions like intercom, editable phonebook and customized information.

1. Huawei PBX in Park B was connected to the 3-Layer Switch, extensions were then created for employees in various regions.

2. Connect 2-Layer Switch to 3-Layer Switch to provide network to Park B.

3. Flyingvoice IP phones at Park A and C could access the network of Park B via VPN.

Solution Diagram:



Achieve Quick Deployment

With built-in Wi-Fi, Flyingvoice IP phone allows to access the wireless and wired network base on original network architecture, achieving cost-effective and flexible deployment.

Simplify Management System

For Flyingvoice IP phone, it just takes less than 30 mins to configure in the site by FDC which support united SIP accounts and software update, making management and maintenance easier.

Improve Workforce Efficiency

Flyingvoice IP phones have rich functions such as speed dial, 3-way conference, call forwarding and caller identification, which can improve the efficiency of staff.

Better Communication Experience

Adopting HD voice technology, Flyingvoice IP phones ensure good communication experience for employees in every park, building and floor.

Application in working scenes: